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Watercolor on Paper and Laserprint on Tissue

22" x 15" w/o Matte; 26" x 19" w/Brown Matte


Prices are negotiable on original art. 





          For all casualties of conflict


Who counts

     the bodies?


How many missing limbs

     equal one?

Which body bags,

     lost tags

     add to the tally?

Bodies that fall

     seconds before the declaration?

or minutes

     after the truce?


Who counts the body

     of knowledge lost

     in clouded memories?

Who counts

     the piece in the parent

     that dies when the epilates show

     through the peephole?

     or the low voice on the phone

     asks for his parents?

Who counts the child’s body

     if it’s the enemy’s?


How many are missing in action?

     Covered under smoldering ash?


Who counts the spirits lost

     when bodies become armor?

     when eyes become empty bowls? 

     when people become photos?


 Who counts?





$575.00 Regular Price
$460.00Sale Price

    © 2024 Emily Thornton Calvo

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